Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic Relocation
Conversion of Former Inpatient Floor to Outpatient BMT Clinic

Project Type:

Interior Renovation
Temple University Health System
Fox Chase, Pennsylvania
11,000 GSF
$2 Million
January 2016


The first project resulting from B+MD's Temple University Health System (TUHS) Master Plan was the relocation and expansion of Fox Chase Cancer Center's (FCCC) outpatient Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Clinic. The BMT clinic was previously located in a building separate from the hospital and was undersized. Relocating the clinic into a former inpatient unit in Temple University’s Patient Care Center provided a new modernized space and additional apheresis and infusion cubicles, new satellite nurse stations, exam rooms, a BMB treatment room, observation rooms, and additional consolidated support space. The new location is adjacent to Temple's inpatient BMT clinic, which allows the two units to share amenities.

The new BMT unit offers semi-private patient cubicles, each with access to a window, entertainment TV, and decentralized nursing station.